Click on the name of each Autonomous Communities to view the monthly changes, calculated over the same month of the last year.

Spain: Goat\'s milk prices (€/L)
Autonomous Communities Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average price ± %
Jan-Dec 2022
Andalusia 1,080 1,066 1,017 0,970 0,960 0,960 0,955 0,985 1,071 1,117 1,205 1,138 1,044 +22.47%
Aragona 1,120 1,112 1,074 1,030 1,060 1,078 1,159 1,082 1,138 1,136 1,193 1,208 1,116 +14.31%
Asturie 1,040 1,019 1,100 0,990 1,000 0,942 0,949 0,935 1,003 1,312 1,304 1,056 1,054 +28.09%
Cantabria 1,040 1,045 1,075 1,080 1,080 1,090 1,073 1,077 1,074 1,091 1,082 1,140 1,079 +15.82%
Castiglia e Leòn 1,110 1,106 1,061 1,020 1,010 0,989 0,993 1,021 1,089 1,203 1,279 1,204 1,090 +25.67%
Castiglia - La Mancia 1,140 1,137 1,082 1,030 1,020 1,010 1,008 1,049 1,115 1,213 1,298 1,243 1,112 +26.70%
Canarie 0,820 0,842 0,838 0,840 0,860 0,867 0,871 0,874 0,876 0,878 0,879 0,881 0,860 +15.52%
Catalogna 1,160 1,163 1,129 1,070 1,080 1,054 1,030 1,079 1,101 1,188 1,274 1,270 1,133 +14.15%
Estremadura 1,050 1,029 0,985 0,940 0,940 0,939 0,955 0,994 1,081 1,138 1,160 1,098 1,026 +22.17%
Murcia 1,050 1,178 1,132 1,070 1,040 1,043 1,025 1,051 1,129 1,206 1,274 1,256 1,121 +23.52%
Madrid 1,120 1,096 1,033 1,010 1,010 0,998 0,990 1,015 1,100 1,195 1,278 1,255 1,092 +25.12%
Navarra 0,970 1,221 1,222 0,900 0,920 0,976 0,973 0,965 1,055 1,137 1,146 1,192 1,056 +25.93%
Paesi Baschi 0,990 1,134 1,117 0,950 0,980 0,969 0,972 0,958 1,020 1,172 1,171 1,127 1,047 +23.04%
La Rioja 1,040 1,052 1,011 1,000 0,990 0,989 0,987 0,989 1,034 1,158 1,224 1,204 1,057 +21.19%
Valencia 1,130 1,144 1,101 1,050 1,030 1,027 1,014 1,058 1,114 1,209 1,294 1,268 1,120 +23.28%
Average price 2023 1,090 1,080 1,034 0,990 0,980 0,974 0,971 1,001 1,075 1,141 1,213 1,159 1,059  
% Change * +24.7% +27.4% +27.3% +26.0% +28.3% +27.8% +26.4% +26.4% +24.7% +17.3% +17.0% +10.4%    

* YOY Change
Source: FEGA